About Plant- Guzmania bromeliads are wonderfully stunning tabletop plants. They feature long, narrow, shiny green leaves that arise from a deep central cup. The plants are somewhat taller than many bromeliads. Their large and showy flower bracts arise in the summer in an amazing array of colors. Guzmania are not difficult bromeliads to grow, and they will reward you with many weeks of color with little or no effort.
Guzmania Bromeliads Plant Care
Light- Indirect light or moderate shade. Do not expose to direct sunlight.
Water- Keep water in the central cup. Change water frequently to prevent rot. Avoid tap water if possible. During colder weather, they can be watered lightly in the soil with a dry cup.
Temperature- Aim for at least 55 F or higher. These are warm-house bromeliads that appreciate high humidity and warmth.
Soil- Any soil mix will work fine. These are technically air plants that use their roots for support.
Fertilizer- Fertilize very sparingly with a liquid fertilizer during the growing season.
Propagation- After the flower bract dies back, cut it off low in the cup. The mother plant will soon begin to die back, and new plantlets will emerge.
Repotting- Mature bromeliads should not be repotted. Smaller bromeliads can be potted into small containers until they are established then moved into 4-inch or 6-inch pots until they flower.
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