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Echeveria 'Pulv-Oliver'(Red Echeveria)

Echeveria 'Pulv-Oliver'(Red Echeveria)

₹399.00 Regular Price
₹339.15Sale Price


Product Inclusions

Echeveria 'Pulv-Oliver' (Red Echeveria) – 1 pc

Grower black – 1 pc

  • About Plant- Echeveria 'Pulv-Oliver' is an attractive succulent plant, up to 1 foot (30 cm) tall, with hairy, light green leaves with red tips that are clustered at the ends of the branches. In late spring and summer appear the large flowers that are orange on the outside with a yellow interior.


    Echeveria 'Pulv-Oliver' (Red Echeveria) Care


    Light- These succulents prefer full sun to partial shade. However, try to avoid drastic sunlight changes and full afternoon sun, especially in summer. 


    Soil- Echeverias make ideal potted plants, but will also thrive in the ground. They need potting soil mix that drains quickly.  However, commercial cactus and succulent potting soil will work fine.

    Temperature- Echeverias are cold hardy down to USDA hardiness zone 9a, 20 °F (-6.7 °C).


     Pot Size- The ideal size of a pot for most succulents is 5 to 10 % bigger than the size of the plant at the surface. 


    Water- When and how to water is a crucial part of Echeveria care. They do not like to be kept too wet, but they also do not like to be kept too dry.  The "soak and dry" method is the preferred schedule for watering Echeverias.


    Fertilizer- Echeverias grow well without fertilizer but may benefit from the extra nutrients.

    Repotting- Repot when needed in the spring or early summer.


    Pruning- Echeveria is self-pruning. All you may need to do is pick out the dead leaves or flowers. Picking out the dead leaves prevents rot or disease taking over the plant. 

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