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Aglaonema Super White

Aglaonema Super White

₹1,150.00 Regular Price
₹977.50Sale Price


Product Inclusions

Aglaonema Super White  – 1 pc

Grower Black - 1 pc

Out of Stock
  • About Plant- Aglaonema Super White is a beautiful plant because it's white folige with green color at the edge makes this aglaonema a perfect home-decor plant. It is hardy, drought tolerant, low maintenance, air purifier and good luck bringer houseplant, it does not require to be fed or watered frequently and does exceedingly well at indoors environment. Aglaonemas are an outstanding shade plants, one of the most cultivated in ornamental plants horticulture.


    Aglaonema Super White Care 


    Light- It likes bright indirect-light, and don't keep it direct sunlight beacause it can burn the leaves.


    Soil- Use well-drained potting soil.


    Water- Whenever give water, check the topsoil (1-2 inch) in pot feels dry to touch. Do not overwater. 


    Temperature- 16 to 30 degree C.


    Fertilizer- Aglaonema doesn't want too much fertilizer. Fertilize with any an organic fertilizer twice a month.


    Propagation- Aglaonema propagation can do by stem cuttings, and can also propagate through seeds and root cutting.

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